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Current Procedures

Call to book an appointment by phone as usual. Once you arrive in the parking lot at your designated appointment time, call reception to notify them. Please provide them with your cell phone number and indicate which parking lot/vehicle you are waiting in (on Hayden or Garden Road). 

When the veterinarian is ready to see your pet, they will call to take a history and discuss your needs/concerns. Someone will then come out to bring your pet into the clinic for examination. We ask that everyone wear masks while approaching our staff and make sure your pet’s collar or harness is secure. Once we have completed the examination, your veterinarian will call you to discuss their recommendations. After the necessary tests/treatments are complete, someone will call to finalize the appointment and bring your pet back to you in your car. 

Dropping pets off for day surgeries can follow a similar procedure, except you will not need to wait. When the surgery has been completed, we will call to discuss the surgery and arrange a pick-up time. 

Should you have any questions or concerns, please discuss them with our team members at any opportunity. We apologize for any inconvenience and wish to thank you for your patience, trust, and understanding.